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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's picturephuc tran

Sometimes even I can’t tell if I’m being sarcastic or if I’m really just a bitch shirt

You clearly have no background in Sometimes even I can’t tell if I’m being sarcastic or if I’m really just a bitch shirt science yet you use terms like liberals and fascist without any qualification. The same woman who has been protecting known rapists and pedophile named Bill Clinton. Considering Trump doesn’t do treasonous acts as Obama did with Operation Fast and Furious and the millions of dollars he gave to Iran. You do realize that with our new Supreme Court Justice it is impossible to impeach Trump unless he commits an act of treason. Trump says its good for you. You sound more like a white underachieving contrarian trump cultists who blames liberals for his lousy lot in life. This is why I spoil him it doesn’t go to his head and he doesn’t throw a fit when he doesn’t get his way except when it comes to cleaning his room he earns what he gets. I should send this to my daughter’s father. He does this shit all the time and I have to pickup the pieces.

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