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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's picturephuc tran

Never underestimate who listen to the Beatles and was born in September shirt

As they cut off Khashoggi’s head and Never underestimate who listen to the Beatles and was born in September shirt his body, a doctor of forensics who had been brought along for the dissection and disposal had some advice for the others. Listen to music, he told them, as he put on headphones himself. That was what he did to ease the tension. Did you know we once had a Republican president who expanded Social Security? Maybe today’s Republicans should listen to what he had to say about the program, instead of trying to destroy it. I’m also a black woman who did gymnastics and loves the sport. Nike’s support of Kap’s protest has nothing to do with veterans and you damned well know it. Your refusal to even listen to, or acknowledge people who are being brutalized is disgusting.

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